Going out in the rain, especially in India sounds like a bad idea on paper. There are many things that can go wrong when you travel during the rainy season. However, being stuck in your home or hotel is not really the best experience. When you are going out in the rain you need better planning that can help you exploring nature during monsoon. In India, the rainy season begins from July and stays until mid-October. During these months, the landscape changes considerably allowing you to explore nature. The parched and dry fields and hills transform into lush green spaces that are ideal for your Instagram profile. Let’s focus on the benefits of exploring nature during monsoon season in India.
Unwind in a Real Way
The true way to unwind is to get rid of the technology around you. Even when you are at the best resorts you are surrounded by technology. You are either busy looking into your emails or waiting for your client to call and so on. While technology can help us in many ways it works like an invisible chain that never let you go.

Exploring nature during monsoon allows you to unwind in a real way. The quietness and serenity of the wilderness allow you to break free from the urban chaos. You can listen to the sound of birds, insects and the rustling of leaves and the sound of raindrops.
Clear Your Mind
Confused about what to do next? Just pack your bags and start exploring nature during monsoon season. We work extra hard to make our ends meet, to sustain our lifestyle and to please our seniors. This can lead to stress and frustration that can ruin your way of thinking.

Often we end up making wrong choices because we’re not thinking straight. There’s too much going on in our minds which leads to sleepless nights. Being in nature allows you to clear your mind. When you are exploring nature during monsoon you have the time to yourself.

You can sit on the patio of your hotel and contemplate in peace, or you can go hiking. Involving in other activities connected with nature allows you to think clearly and know where you stand.
Connect with the Universe
Negative feelings and emotions can make you feel like you don’t belong here. When you are close to nature you feel more connected with the universe. The greenery and the landscape around you allow you to get rid of your negativity. You can explore various monsoon creatures in India that can help you feel better.

You can focus on so many things that can make you feel better and one with the universe. Hence, it is always a great idea to take some time out for exploring nature during monsoon season.
Discover Something New
When you step into the woods you’ll always come out knowing something more. If you have a keen eye you can discover something that you don’t know until that point in time. Exploring nature during monsoon season allows you to discover new insects, birds, and plants. You can find many aquatic birds and forest and grassland birds that you can find here.

The mountain range of the Western Ghats is one of the top eight biodiversity spots in the world. It is home to seven unique vegetation types. The Western Ghats is home to 7,402 flowering plants, 1,814 non-flowering plants, 6000 insects’ species and 508 bird species. If you’re lucky you might even find many undiscovered species here. Hence, nature allows you to learn and discover more about the world and you as well.
Enhance Your Creativity
A better way to kill boredom and loneliness is by enhancing your creative skills. Being in the lap of nature allows you to get creative and boost your imagination. If you are into photography you won’t find a better time to take some breathtaking shots. While you are exploring nature during monsoon you can take your camera along for those great shots.

You can also head to some quiet place where you can enhance your writing skills or do sketching and painting. This will provide you with the perfect break that you need from your routine life. It allows you to divert your attention and live in the moment. Nature is also a source of inspiration and therefore you can get inspired to do more things.
Nature has always been an important part of my life. Hence, I always look for trips that I can make during the rainy season. Yes, there are situations that you need to be careful about and for that, you need better planning. You can always look for tips on how to travel during monsoon season.
Other few benefits of exploring nature during monsoon in India are that you get fewer crowds. If you don’t like being in a congested place, the monsoon is the time you should travel and explore new places.
You can also enjoy low accommodation prices because most hotels and resorts offer discounts during this season. It is likely you get a better friendly service because the hotel staff is not busy with too many guests. On the other hand, you can talk to them to know local places that you can explore to enhance your experiences.

India is a hot country but the temperature drops during the monsoon season. If you don’t like to venture in the heat, you can explore nature during monsoon when the weather is pleasant.
Thanks for another great post, Sharukh. Sorry to be late, the email ended up in my spam bucket. The rains bring such wonderful opportunities for green and living pictures. You’re are always wonderful.
No worries, Dan. Thank you for the comment. I hope you like the pictures more than the content. These days I don’t get much time for writing good content but I still focus on better pictures to keep things interesting. I haven’t commented on few of your new posts, because I’m busy with work but I will visit your site soon. 🙂
Your photos are lush and welcoming, just as you explain that so too is monsoon season. I also enjoy seeing your photos on Instagram. Another positive about the rainy season is …. listening. I find listening to the rain while sitting on a protected porch, watching the birds/bees frolic is completely soothing.
Thank you for your comment here and also for liking pictures on Instagram. Yes, I love listening to the rain. In fact, I wrote a poem on it during my college days. It was pouring all day and I was stuck at my friend’s house due to floods. However, we were standing in the balcony and that’s where I wrote the poem. I will send you the link.
What lovely photos, Sharukh. I’m sorry I missed seeing these earlier.
No problem. We’re glad you liked it. There are more pictures that will come up in the future as a sequel to this post.
The video is so sweet. Beautiful!
Thank you, Cheryl.