Cherished Blogfest 2: Share Your Story With The World Once Again

by Sharukh Bamboat
Cherished Badge 2016

Cherished Badge 2016

Life is a struggle and no matter where we are, whatever we become, no matter the amount of money we accumulate, we still have to go through the ups and downs that life mockingly throws at us. The journey of life is always filled with adventures, sorrows and happiness โ€“ itโ€™s a complete package, you canโ€™t escape it. Some emerge victoriously, some drown in the abyss of depression and death, the choice is completely ours to make.

However, no matter what we do, wherever we are, there is something in life that keeps us grounded and has the ability to transform, encourage, and take us back in time. This one particular special thing is deeply attached to our heart and soul because it has this miraculous property to connect to some special moments of our life that we cherish. Although, we might move on in life, but this special thing is still sitting safely somewhere in our closet, or drawers and sometimes when we accidentally bump into it, we instantly go back in time, recall the moments in our mind, and feel the joy that is hard to describe in words. The Cherished Blogfest allows you to share the story of one of your cherished objects and tell us why you cherish it in less than 500 words.

Last year, I received the honor of being one of the co-hosts of the โ€˜Cherished Blogfestโ€™ along with Dan Antion, Damyanti Biswas, Peter Nena and Paul Ruddock. It was our first step forward to bring together bloggers to share their views and stories with us. Surprisingly, we were blown away by the kind of positive response we received from fellow bloggers eager to share their stories. The blogfest also became a great platform for bloggers to make new connections and renewing old ones.

Keeping that in mind, this year around the same time, we bring you the second season of the Cherished Blogfest along with my co-hosts:

Dan Antion โ€“ Dan has a NoFacilities blog and his straight-forward blog title is a clear indicator that he doesnโ€™t mince words. He is straight to the point and incorporates sarcastic humor that will keep you smiling and keep coming back for more. He is a great photographer and his pictures offer an immersive blog-reading experience.

Damyanti Biswas โ€“ Supremely talented and gifted writer, Damyanti Biswas writes at DamyantiWrites blog. She offers blogging advice, writes about various topics related to writing and is equally good at fiction stories. Her short fiction has been commended at the Bath Flash Fiction Award and she is currently working on her debut novel.

Mary Giese โ€“ Mary J Melange proudly claims that she is not a professional writer, but donโ€™t underestimate the power of the words she selects in her blogs. She is passionate about cats, caring for aged parents, and a bottle of wine, and bicycles and Harley bikes. This BikerChick should be on your list if you love blogs that focus on lifeโ€™s reality and other things that matter to us in our everyday lifestyle.

Peter Nena โ€“ If Evil Dead movie didnโ€™t scare you, I would recommend reading Peter Nenaโ€™s Demogorgonโ€™s Fiction blog and Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll be asking someone to stay close to you. Peterโ€™s imagination about horror and sci-fi and mysterious characters and story elements make his blog exciting and scary. He brings to us stories that are deeply rooted in the heart of Africa but has the tendency to strike fear deep inside your subconscious mind.

Cheryl Pennington โ€“ Do you love poems, nature, and photography? Cherylโ€™s Tropical Affair blog transports you into the land of goodness, birds, bees, and animals. Nature inspires her and she has a knack of weaving all the minor details neatly into her poems and blog posts. Her Nikon camera captures some of the best shots that we might otherwise miss out.

Kate Powell โ€“ A splash of watercolors and inks combined with great words makes Kate Powellโ€™s blog an interesting read. Kateโ€™s blog is all about the process, or all things related to art and she waste no time in sharing how she goes about making her art. If you love art and sketches and painting Kateโ€™s blog is should be on your must-read list.

I would appreciate if you visit their blogs, read their posts and get connected. Also, if you missed out on participating in the blog fest last year and if you want to make up this year you can visit the new Cherished Blogfest Page. The page has all the information you need to participate. I and my co-hosts and the world would love to hear your story if you are willing to share a special emotion of your life. Also, please share about the Cherished Blogfest on your social media profiles and we would be glad to have more bloggers participate. Kindly use the hashtag #CBF16ย while youโ€™re mentioning about the blog fest on your social media profiles.

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If you have any queries or doubts, feel free to email me atย [email protected] and I will be glad to assist you.

A special thanks to Dan Antion for taking the lead and setting up the Linky List and the badge. Thanks, Cheryl Pennington for creating the badge design and thank you all the co-hosts taking out their valuable time for the blogfest.

See you at the Cherished Blogfest next month.

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Dan Antion June 28, 2016 - 18:08

Thank you so much for this nice write-up and all your kind words, Sharukh. We’re off to a great start. I am so looking forward to your post.

pathbreakingwriter June 28, 2016 - 18:10

Thanks Dan.

vishalbheeroo June 28, 2016 - 18:18

All the best Sharukh for this new season and best to you & the team for the Blog Fest. Rock it, mate. Love the new look on your blog.

A sensual romance that I wrote last week:

pathbreakingwriter June 28, 2016 - 18:22

Thank you Vishal. I will be delighted if you participate in it and help spread the word about it. ๐Ÿ™‚

vishalbheeroo June 28, 2016 - 18:46

Sure! Will spread on social media. I am quite drained post A to Z and quite caught up with stuffs. May be next time:)

Peter Nena June 28, 2016 - 18:23

Ha! Sharukh, what a description you give me there! Thanks, man. And great work you do too! Appreciated.

pathbreakingwriter June 28, 2016 - 18:25

Ha Ha Ha. I’m glad you liked it. Isn’t it absolutely accurate? ๐Ÿ™‚

Parul Thakur June 28, 2016 - 18:52

I remember meeting you last year for the first time through this blog fest. So, I will be around, participating and cheering all participants. ๐Ÿ™‚

pathbreakingwriter June 28, 2016 - 19:16

Great. I will look forward to your post.

pathbreakingwriter June 29, 2016 - 21:43

Thank you, Parul, for participating in the blogfest this year as well. Yes, I have made few good blogger friends through Cherished Blogfest and I’m glad I didn’t stop myself. Being a very shy and reserved person, it is hard to open up, especially online where you meet people you don’t know much about. However, I’m lucky enough to meet creative and sensible individuals that have helped me grow so much. You have no idea, how much your posts have impacted my life in positive ways. So keep writing, you never know how your words can transform my life.

dweezer19 June 28, 2016 - 21:16

Thanks Sharukh! I am always eager for your next post, taking me from my home to the heart and soul of India. ๐Ÿ˜€

pathbreakingwriter June 29, 2016 - 21:33

You’re welcome, Cheryl. I get great pleasure in showing different aspects, landscapes, places, cities and food of India. Whenever I write a post, I constantly make efforts to better it, make it more interesting and lively for my readers. Plus, I love history so I blend that well in my post to let readers know the past and the present. Someday, I want to become the best travel writer of India and I’m working hard to achieve that goal.

dweezer19 June 30, 2016 - 02:59

In my opimion you are. I love the way you blend fact with observation and include enough inages to keep my attention keen.

pathbreakingwriter June 30, 2016 - 16:33

Thanks for your kind words.

C.E.Robinson June 28, 2016 - 22:12

Sharukh, happy to know the Cherished Blog Fest is happening again this year. Wonderful write-up of the hosts. Plus impressive lead-in message. I did participate last year. It was an interesting process to create the post. And it was heart-warming to read fellow bloggers posts. Good thoughts for continued success this year. ๐Ÿ’› Christine Elizabeth

pathbreakingwriter June 29, 2016 - 21:27

For me, Cherished Blogfest opened up doors and my heart to individuals like you. Personally, I’m extremely reserved and shy person, very limited people know me, I have best friends that I can count on my fingers. Some of my best buddies tease me as ‘Frog of the Well’ because I jump and leap within a certain social circle. However, gradually I am breaking out of my limited social circle and trying to meet new people and so far I have been quite lucky to find bloggers and kind individuals like you that inspire me, share views, offer genuine feedback & comments and understand the value of friendship. Thank you for all your support, love and kindness, Christine. I really appreciate it.


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