Pandal Hopping in Mumbai: 21 Smart Tips from a Local

by Sharukh Bamboat

Pandal hopping in Mumbai is quite a common thing, especially during Ganesh Chaturthi and Durga Puja celebrations. This is an exciting and vibrant experience where you plan a day out alone, with friends or family to visit some of the popular Ganesh pandals in Mumbai.

Ganesh Chaturthi remains one of the popular festivals in Mumbai. Hence, you will find a huge number of pandals being set all over Mumbai on streets and in various societies, by lanes and homes. Each pandal is beautifully decorated and showcases unique themes and grand Lord Ganesh idols.

Why Do People Engage in Pandal Hopping in Mumbai?

Pandal hopping is not a new trend. I have pandal-hopped several times with my mother since the 1980s. Hence, this is not a new thing for Mumbaikars who have been enjoying pandal hopping for decades now.

However, doing it the right way can make a difference especially if you are going to spend a day or more exploring some of the famous Ganpati pandals in Mumbai.

So, why do people engage in pandal hopping in Mumbai during the Ganesh festival?

  • To offer prayers and seek His blessings for wisdom, prosperity & to eliminate obstacles
  • To enjoy diverse themes and grand artistic installations
  • To enjoy traditional music and participate in celebrations
  • To experience cultural diversity as various pandals focus on different themes
  • To enjoy a casual day out with family and friends
  • To indulge in local street food and delicacies
  • To tell others with pride that you’ve visited these pandals in person

While pandal hopping is not rocket science knowing what to do and how to do it well can help you save a lot of time, money and effort. Mumbai is a big city and as per the BMC, there are more than 2700 sarvajanik (public) Ganesh pandals in Mumbai. These are generally the bigger idols that are placed in societies and lanes.

Exploring all 2700 Ganpati pandals is impossible because for that you will need to visit one pandal every five minutes. Hence, you will need to focus on Mumbai famous Ganpati pandals that you want to cover.

Also, the months of August and September are not quite pleasant. Hence, you might experience rain and high humidity which can make matters worse when you are outdoors for most hours.

However, with a little bit of planning, knowledge and experience you can make things easier and more convenient for you and your loved ones.

How to Tour & Pandal Hop Various Ganpati Pandals in Mumbai?

1. Know What You Want

Knowing what Ganpati pandals in Mumbai you want to cover can make things easier for you. You can always opt for the pandals you missed out on last year and keep them rotating every year. This would allow you to explore different Ganesh murtis in Mumbai without having to rush through all of them.

2. Plan Your Route

Planning your route is critical once you have narrowed down the list of Ganpati pandals you want to cover. Often people focus on Mumbai’s famous Ganpati pandals like Lalbaug Cha Raja, Ganesh Galli’s Mumbai Cha Raja and so on. These days you can make use of Google Maps to help you navigate the right way.

3. Focus on Cluster Visits

One of the best ways to cover more pandals while pandal hopping in Mumbai is to visit them in clusters. Since you are in the area, you can cover more pandals in the same area and that would help you visit more pandals. For instance, if you are visiting Lalbaug Cha Raja you would also want to cover Ganesh Galli’s Mumbai Cha Raja and Chinchpokli Cha Chintamani since they are all in the same area.

4. Choose the Right Time

Famous Ganpati pandals in Mumbai are going to be crowded at all times of the day. However, you can expect a bit less crowd during early morning hours and late night hours. Also, if you prefer fewer crowds you should choose a weekday for pandal hopping in Mumbai. Avoid visiting these pandals during evening aartis (prayers) as they draw large crowds and that translates into longer queues.

5. Dress Comfortably

The monsoon weather in August and September can make things difficult for you. Hence, you need to focus on clothing when pandal hopping in Mumbai. Focus on wearing comfortable clothes that you can stay in for at least 12 hours. If the queues are long you will have to spend hours standing out in uncomfortable tight-fitting clothes.

Even if it’s not raining the weather can be hot and humid. Hence, focus on breathable fabrics like cotton or linen that can make things easier for you.

However, also respect the cultural and religious nature of the event and avoid wearing revealing clothes.

6. Focus on Footwear

Just like clothing you also need to focus on footwear because you are going to be walking around and standing in long queues. This means you will need reliable and comfortable footwear to keep you going through the day.

However, do keep in mind that some pandals require you to remove your shoes before entering. Hence, if you are wearing lace-up shoes it can be inconvenient every time you remove and wear them on the streets. Instead, opt for slip-on footwear which would be easy to wear and remove as and when required.

7. Stay Hydrated and Carry Snacks

As you walk through the lanes of Mumbai and stand in queues for hours you want to focus on your health as well. Staying hydrated during the summer and rainy months is vital to maintain good health. You can either carry a bottle of water with you or buy bottled water which you can use and throw away.

Similarly, you should also pack in some fruits like apples and bananas which are easy to carry. Also, you can pack a salad bowl, a packet of biscuits, nuts and granola bars if you prefer.

While you can easily find various street food stalls around, be mindful that they are not always hygienic, especially during monsoon weather. Hence, you have to make food choices wisely.

8. Carry Essentials

When you are heading out to visit famous Ganpati pandals in Mumbai you also need to carry essentials to keep you going through the day. Hence, you may want to carry a power bank to keep your phone charged while you are using it for navigation and clicking images.

Similarly, you must also pack some dry and wet tissues for hygienic purposes. For instance, when you are standing in a queue you might get bird poop on you, or step on mud which you would want to clean.

You can use hand sanitisers to wash your hands before you enjoy your meal when you are taking a break. Carry some medicines for migraine, headaches and stomach aches to help you handle the situation throughout the day. In some lanes, you might have to experience loud music which can lead to headaches and uneasiness.

9. Use Public Transportation

When you are pandal hopping in Mumbai make use of public transport rather than using personal vehicles. This eliminates the need to find a parking space every time you cover a different area.

There are ample buses and local trains that you can choose from and that allows you to cut down your commute cost and the need for finding parking spaces. You can also opt for short-distance travel via cabs and auto-rickshaws.

10. Be Prepared for Crowds

If you’re reading this before heading out to tour different Ganpati pandals in Mumbai you need to know that pandal hopping requires patience. You need to be mentally and physically prepared for the long queues and crowds you may witness. If you’re impatient you will end up frustrated by the end of the day.

Since you are exploring the city – Try These 23 Things in Mumbai While Pandal Hopping

11. Respect Religious Sentiments

Various famous Ganpati mandals in Mumbai have signs on how to proceed and behave. Make sure that you read those signs and behave accordingly. Some Ganesh pandals in Mumbai allow photography while some do not. If you are taking pictures of the interiors of the pandal make sure you are allowed to do that.

12. Stay Calm and Maintain Decorum

While you are enjoying pandal hopping in Mumbai you will meet various people from different walks of life. It is possible that you might not like the behaviour of certain people in the queue. However, you must handle the situation calmly and maintain decorum.

It is important to remember that not all of us are the same and therefore our definition of celebration and enjoyment differ as well. Try to be nice and accommodating and stay safe.

13. Take Care of Your Belongings

If you are pandal hopping in Mumbai on a weekend you will likely find plenty of crowds. This means that you need to take care of your personal belongings and footwear. Scammers and pickpocketers are always looking for opportunities to steal your bag or money so make sure you carry limited cash.

14. Participate in Aartis and Bhajans

One of the unique experiences you can enjoy while pandal hopping in Mumbai is to participate in aartis and bhajans. This can offer you an immersive experience where you are surrounded by traditional music and chants. However, you must know the timing of the prayers of that pandal to ensure you are there on time.

15. Check for Special Attractions

While you are doing your research and narrowing down what famous Ganpati pandas in Mumbai you want to cover you should focus on what elaborate themes and decorations they offer this year. Generally, by the first or second day, most newspapers and online sites post images and write articles on various Ganpati mandals in Mumbai.

This allows you to gather more reliable and relevant information to help you enjoy special attractions for the year. Certain pandals also offer thematic storytelling based on recent political and social events which adds to the experience.

16. Be Eco-Friendly

One of the gripes I have with Mumbaikars is that they often miss out on being eco-friendly. With hundreds and thousands of people out on the streets, there is so much plastic trash and dirt on the streets.

While it is easier to blame the authorities for not doing their bit, we never focus on our role in littering the city. Hence, it is a request that you carry an additional plastic bag where you can put your used water bottles, used wrappers and packets which you can later dispose of in designated trash bins.

For toilets, you can always look for ‘SBM toilet near me’ on Google Maps to help you find the nearest public toilet. SBM stands for Swacch Bharat Mission for those who want to know more about it.

17. Choose Street Food Wisely

As you pandal hop various famous Ganpati pandals in Mumbai you might likely want to enjoy some street food as well. This is probably a part of the experience for many. While there are plenty of street food stalls that you will come across it is vital that you focus on good ones. Not all street food stalls take care of hygiene and therefore you need to be careful about what you eat and where you eat.

Tip: When you are planning your route also look out for reputed and rated restaurants and cafes in those areas. This would help you to visit those restaurants and enjoy meals.

18. Maintain Cleanliness

While you explore various Ganesh murti in Mumbai you must also focus on cleanliness factors that can impact your health. During the Ganeshotsav festival, there are hundreds and thousands of people on the streets. Hence, you should wear masks and use hand sanitisers frequently to stay safe and clean.

19. Create Meeting Points

If you are visiting some of the popular Ganesh pandals in Mumbai you might likely have to experience overcrowding. If you are pandal hopping in Mumbai in a group you should create a meeting point before you get in the crowd. This allows you to find each other in case anyone gets separated in the crowd.

20. Keep Emergency Numbers Handy

While you may not need these numbers it is essential to store emergency numbers. Keeping emergency contact numbers and addresses including that of local police and hospitals can come in handy during mishaps.

21. Focus on Smaller Pandals

If you are impatient or not used to being in a crowded situation you can always go pandal hopping for smaller Ganesh idols. This is a great alternative for those who want to enjoy pandal hopping to explore unique Ganesh murtis in the city.

As I mentioned earlier, there are 2700 sarvajanik (public) Ganesh murtis in Mumbai of which 20-25 get the most media/celebrity attention. This leaves you out with 2675 pandals where queues are shorter and probably non-existent.

If you love to pandal hop but want to skip all this chaos and wait you can visit smaller pandals. This not only makes it easier for you to enjoy the experience but also allows unpopular mandals to get recognition.

Since these pandals are not crowded you also get time to pray as you will to Bappa and seek His blessings and wisdom.


Pandal hopping in Mumbai can be a memorable experience. However, considering the crowd and other factors you need to focus on better planning and execution. This would allow you to visit these popular Ganpati pandals in Mumbai without compromising on health and safety.

With the right ideas and tips to visit popular Ganesh pandals in Mumbai, you can make the most of the experience of pandal hopping in Mumbai.

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Dan Antion August 31, 2024 - 19:11

Much good advice here, Sharukh. I think the crowds would discourage me, but it all sounds interesting,

Sharukh Bamboat August 31, 2024 - 19:14

Well, in that case, you go with tip number 21, Dan, like I do. Thank you for commenting and visiting the post.


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