I am a Bombay boy and I am so proud of it. Although, the city has changed today and the lifestyle has become complicated the city of Mumbai has always offered the best living experience that I can imagine. I agree life is fast, so fast that we don’t even have the time to think, in fact the speed of life has made us virtually blind because we rarely see the beauty of Bombay, admire it and bring some peace to our life.
So, I decided to give a pause to my writing skills, get my fingers off my laptop keyboard and instead start clicking some pictures of old Bombay that still stands tall, but invisible to our naked eyes. This will be the first installment of the five part INVISIBLE BOMBAY SERIES where I start with Flora Fountain and will take you across Kala Ghoda Area and in the last installment you return to Flora Fountain again completing the full circle. I would request my readers to take some time and explore all the five parts to enjoy this photographic tour of Kala Ghoda that I have created with all my efforts in writing and also exploring my photographic skills.