Finding Vastu tips for doors is such a common thing in India. Most new homeowners often look out for general Vastu tips that would help them buy the right house. For those who are not aware of Vastu Shashtra (vas-too shas-tra) let me tell you that it is a traditional Hindu system of architecture.
The system incorporates the five basic elements – Earth, Fire, Water, Sky and Air to create the right setting. Additionally, it also uses the movement of the Sun and Earth’s magnetic field to bring you good health, prosperity and happiness. Like any system in the world, some people believe in it strongly and some do not.
If you are someone who does not believe in house entrance Vastu Shashtra, that’s fine, nothing wrong with that. I would still take your side. You see there are many Indians who live in urban apartments and these apartments are not Vastu-compliant. However, these people are still prosperous, healthy and probably happy as well.
Also, it can be argued that if this science worked then most Indians would have been wealthy.
However, that’s not the case, is it?
This post is a part of Dan Antion’s Thursday Doors Writing Challenge 2024 and the reason I chose this topic is because of the image below.
This image submitted by Cheryl Pennington instantly popped a question into my mind – Can a door in poor condition lead you to poverty or attract negative energy? Well, maybe, maybe not.

Let’s talk about 5 Vastu tips for doors that most Indians use to generate positive energy.
Before we begin, let me be clear, I’m not a Vastu expert, these general Vastu tips are based on online research, whatever I have heard and seen in my real life experiences.
Direction of the Main Door
When speaking of house entrance Vastu Shastra, the main door is a lot more than just any other door. The main door is a portal to invite positive energy into a home, apartment, villa, condo or whatever accommodation you are buying. The main door direction is the key here. It is advisable to have the main door facing north, northeast, east or west. North East is the most recommended direction as per various websites.
While I’m not absolutely sure about the scientific reason behind these specific directions, I believe that it is because the northeast-facing door receives sunlight from morning to a major portion of the day.
Additionally, the doors must open in a clockwise direction and not anti-clockwise. This means that if your door opens inwards the door hinge must be on the left. If it opens outwards, the hinges will be on the right side.
Placement of the Doors
Speaking of the main door direction, the main door must not be in an absolute corner or the middle of the wall. This is not the right placement for the main door. It must be off-centre. However, you must also take into consideration the fact that your main door does not face someone else’s main door as it makes it convenient for the energy (positive and negative) to flow in and out of both properties. It is also advisable never to place a mirror or any reflecting object facing the main door as it can bounce the incoming positive energy.
Appearance of the Main Door
When speaking of Vastu for house entrance one must also focus on the appearance of the door. Honestly speaking, as a professional writer I have written at least 300 articles on American house doors and garage doors. In most of these articles, the appearance of the door was an important point, so the same rule applies universally.
The way your door looks makes a difference. As per door Vastu Shashtra, it is essential to keep the main door clean and clutter-free. It must have a well-lit entrance and decorative elements that attract positive vibrations into the property.
Generally, when people buy property, those who believe in Vastu Shashtra often replace the doors or colour and decorate it to make it Vastu compliant.
Using the Right Main Door Colour
One of the easiest ways to make your main door Vastu compliant is by changing its colour. If your home’s main door is facing the north then it is advisable to paint it green. For northeast facing doors you can use cream or yellow colour. Doors facing east should have wooden colours like yellow or gold, while doors facing west must be blue. If you have a main door facing south you can use shades of orange and red.
Focusing on the Door Size and Shape
One of the common main door Vastu tips is that the main door must be the biggest door of all. This is essential because you want to attract positive vibes and maximize it using its size. As per the Vastu Shashtra, sliding doors are not the right ones as they cut energy flow.
While these Vastu tips for doors are generally advisable not all properties are designed in compliance with this science. To begin with, my apartment is not Vastu-compliant. However, with minor changes, it is possible to make it look good and compliant. There are plenty of Vastu related ideas that can be incorporated to ensure positivity flows into the property. Hence, you need to focus on what choices you can implement and which ones you can skip.
Hmmm – All of our exterior doors are combination of door and storm door. One opens clockwise one counter-clockwise (however I do like the phrase, anti-clockwise). It’s not always the same door. We do have one entrance where both doors open anti-clockwise, but that’s the only way they can.
The appearance of our main door is okay, the the colors of all our doors is out of compliance (and likely to stay that way). It is the largest door, and it is well lit (if we ever turn the lights on).
Thanks for this entry, Sharukh. I enjoy understanding people’s beliefs. I may not follow, but I respect them.
Thanks for visiting the post, Dan. Well, like I mentioned in the post, not all believe in this system. Even if they believe it would be hard to find such an urban apartment because no construction company cares about it. So, I would say 95 per cent homes in the city are not Vastu compliant. This works best if one is buying a land and constructing a home from scratch which allows the opportuniy to design the property. As funny as it may sound, my apartment checks none of those five points but yeah like you said I too respect people’s beliefs.
This is fascinating, Sharukh. I’m not terribly well versed in Feng shui (Chinese geomancy, which was extremely popular here some years ago), but the two concepts seem similar to me. I’ve never heard that about the door hinges though. Hmmm… I should be doing better than I am. 😉
I really enjoyed this take on the Thursday Doors Writing Challenge. Excellent work. Hugs to you and Sarah.
Glad that you enjoyed opening this door, Teagan. I think whenever I write Thursday Doors my challenge is how to find a balance between the theme of my blog which is all about India travel, food, shopping, culture, history and all that with the images available for TDWC. Vastu is quite popular in India and yes it is on the same lines as Feng Shui, but this one incorporates a lot of Hindu scriptures and all that. I’m no expert and not very religious so I thought let’s keep this basic and informative. Hugs to you and have a great weekend. 🙂
[…] to Sharukh for this wonderful door photo. Check out his contribution to the writing challenge here. Friendly comments are welcome. Thanks for opening this […]
I love this post, Sharukh! My apologies for taking longer to read it. This information is fascinating. I love the practices in the middle eastern and eastern cultures regarding energy within the house.At present I feel our little home here in Panama is quite well situated. Although smaller than many it feels large of spirit. Thank you for using my image as well as the credit. There are quite a few of these abandoned homes throughout the mountain areas here, and it always saddens me to see a house sitting empty when so many could use the shelter.
To be honest, the moment I saw this picture on Dan’s website I thought of one of my aunt’s on my father’s side. I must say her home was not very damaged but she had similar white door which obviously was not broken. However, I had so somehow integrate it with the India-based theme and hence I thought this would be a great fit. Thanks for opening this door, Cheryl. Hugs.
A very interesting and informative post, Sharukh. My husband and I lived in India for some years, and I must say I unfortunately never heard of these “tips for doors.”
well, if you used my back door, all the hinges and colors are spot on. 🙂 Front door, not so much. Very interesting read!